Friday, February 21, 2014

Zooburst about schizophrenia

              Zooburst is a website that allows you to write design and view your own virtual children's book. This tool is very helpful for any parent that wants to customize a story to their kids imagination. It's free and the signup is very easy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mental Health Animoto

Mental Health

Animoto is a website that allows you to upload pictures and text to create a 30 second video with music. All videos are random and different. This is a good website for someone looking to make a good looking video fast.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mental Health Glogster

Glogster is a website that allows you to create an online poster about any topic of your choice and embed links of videos.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mental Health Survey Results

I found out from my survey that most people do not know enough about mental health as they should. My results show that the majority of people have an idea of what mental health is but they don’t know the whole truth about it. I found it very astonishing that over half of people that took my survey answered mental health as a bad thing rather than good. When in fact mental health is a good thing, just like physical health it’s good to be mentally healthy and that is what most don’t understand.