Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I created this abstract art using inkscape a program that you can use to paint and draw to create cool pictures I would recommend this for little kids playing on the computer

Stat Planet

I found this map on Stat Planet  a free statistics website. It allows you to create a map or find a map about many global issues in many different regions


This picture was made using the help of Canva a free power point website that lets you create cool artsy pictures, if you want you can upgrade to a pro version to get more features.


This picture was created using Bomomo  a free website. It's like an advanced paint online and its easy to use.

Friday, April 25, 2014



   Pixton  is a website that allows you to make free web comics easily


With Voki you can easily create an online avatar and have them say what ever you want

Journal post

I think the most important thing I have learned in this class is the ability to edit and manipulate photos to create a really cool photo and even change the picture completely. I think that this tool will be a good skill for me in the future. Because business is a hug part of the job market I would have liked to learn how to use excel to a professional level.

Monday, April 21, 2014

QR Code

QR codes aka quick response codes are digital codes that when scanned by a qr scanner gives the viewer information or takes them to a web link. You can create your free code here