Monday, January 13, 2014

All About Me Prezi

Prezi is a web program that is very similar to power point. There are a few differences between the two such as prezi's transitions and the layout is a changeable template. Prezi is easier to use in my opinion and it dosen't look as bland as a power point. I will use this i the future for many projects.


  1. Hi andrew, I read your prezi and I didn't know that you lived in New Jersey. I have an Uncle that lives just outside of New Jersey, thats awesome that family is important to you, me too!

  2. Cool Perzi, really like the layout!

  3. Hey Andrew! Its interesting that you lived in New Jersey for a few years, I've never lived anywhere except Kansas. Its also cool that you have a semi-big family that you live with, I have a brother, my Mom and my Dad.
