Monday, March 31, 2014

GoPro SWOT analysis

GoPro is a company that makes weatherproof durable cameras with mounts that give the user and anyone who views footage from the camera a very unique perspective. It’s unique because of the fact that is from the perspective of the person filming you’re viewing it like a memory. GoPro offers a vast array of mounts to help film any situation, sport or activity.  With the GoPro we can all view the amazing feats of humans around the world like never before.
Strengths to this product are endless, but some are the fact that almost any activity can be recorded due to the fact that GoPro never stops thinking of different angles and ways to capture exciting new video. This product is also very useful when trying to show people how cool your sport or hobby can truly be
Some weaknesses to this product can be the price or the set up. These weatherproof mounts plus the camera in addition to any accessories you may need can be costly. Also a helmet mount could be difficult to assemble and mount on to the helmet.
With a great product such as this there are so many opportunities for this product. I believe in the near future this product will be easily accessible and very easy to use. As the technology advances I see potential for the GoPro to be used for everyday things.
Some threats for this product are the limits of the people using it. As more and more people use this they may want to attempt more dangerous stunts in the pursuit of awesome footage. Other than that I see no threats.

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