Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I created this abstract art using inkscape a program that you can use to paint and draw to create cool pictures I would recommend this for little kids playing on the computer

Stat Planet

I found this map on Stat Planet  a free statistics website. It allows you to create a map or find a map about many global issues in many different regions


This picture was made using the help of Canva a free power point website that lets you create cool artsy pictures, if you want you can upgrade to a pro version to get more features.


This picture was created using Bomomo  a free website. It's like an advanced paint online and its easy to use.

Friday, April 25, 2014



   Pixton  is a website that allows you to make free web comics easily


With Voki you can easily create an online avatar and have them say what ever you want

Journal post

I think the most important thing I have learned in this class is the ability to edit and manipulate photos to create a really cool photo and even change the picture completely. I think that this tool will be a good skill for me in the future. Because business is a hug part of the job market I would have liked to learn how to use excel to a professional level.

Monday, April 21, 2014

QR Code

QR codes aka quick response codes are digital codes that when scanned by a qr scanner gives the viewer information or takes them to a web link. You can create your free code here 

Monday, March 31, 2014

GoPro SWOT analysis

GoPro is a company that makes weatherproof durable cameras with mounts that give the user and anyone who views footage from the camera a very unique perspective. It’s unique because of the fact that is from the perspective of the person filming you’re viewing it like a memory. GoPro offers a vast array of mounts to help film any situation, sport or activity.  With the GoPro we can all view the amazing feats of humans around the world like never before.
Strengths to this product are endless, but some are the fact that almost any activity can be recorded due to the fact that GoPro never stops thinking of different angles and ways to capture exciting new video. This product is also very useful when trying to show people how cool your sport or hobby can truly be
Some weaknesses to this product can be the price or the set up. These weatherproof mounts plus the camera in addition to any accessories you may need can be costly. Also a helmet mount could be difficult to assemble and mount on to the helmet.
With a great product such as this there are so many opportunities for this product. I believe in the near future this product will be easily accessible and very easy to use. As the technology advances I see potential for the GoPro to be used for everyday things.
Some threats for this product are the limits of the people using it. As more and more people use this they may want to attempt more dangerous stunts in the pursuit of awesome footage. Other than that I see no threats.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mental Illness Timeline

Today in class I used the website Timeline  to create my very own time line. It was easy to do and only took about 20 minutes. I created my time line over my global issues topic of mental illness. I would recommend this website for anyone that would need to create a timeline.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Quizlet Flashcards

Quizlet is an online website that is a great study tool for anybody looking to make flashcards. it allows you to study off of others cards as well. Here I made mental illness flash cards.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Photoshop Picture Edit

In class we have been working with Photoshop an advanced photo editing software that allows you to edit, crop and change photos in hundreds of ways and different combinations to create or change a picture anyway you like. In the picture above I isolated the pepper and made it color while I made the background black & white.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Photo Editing Sites

In class today we edited many pictures on five free photo sites to change the way they look and edit them to how ever you want them to look.

Pic Monkey is a photo editing website that allows you to edit a photo to make it look very professional or very artsy. It is mostly free some features require a membership, but other than that no sign up required. This is a very cool site.

Pixlr is a free website very similar to Microsoft paint but more advanced with more features. It is not as easy as Pic Monkey to use but once you get the hang of it you will be able to edit a photo the way you like. I would recommend this site for photo editors with some experience.

Befunky is a more simplified Pic Monkey and is very easy to use. If you are just starting to edit photos then use this site to get started and to help you along. This website is free and requires no sign up but and upgrade feature is available if you want to pay for more features.

Pizap is a fun free photo site that let's you combine some of Photoshop with filters and an added bonus of a meme maker to make funny posters of your friends and colleagues. This website is extremely easy to use but it doesn't have as many features as Pic Monkey or Befunky.

Fotor is a free photo editing website that is more complex than the other websites. It has a different layout and is

Web 2.0 Tools

Flash Card Machine is a free website that allows you to easily create and study from flash cards you created.  In addition to flash cards you make you can search subject and grade to find thousands of other flash card sets that will help you study. This is a great tool for a very busy student who maybe doesn't have time to sit down and write it out or make flash cards at all. Like I mentioned earlier it is free but donations are accepted. The sign up is easy and this is a website that I will use in the future.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Zooburst about schizophrenia

              Zooburst is a website that allows you to write design and view your own virtual children's book. This tool is very helpful for any parent that wants to customize a story to their kids imagination. It's free and the signup is very easy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mental Health Animoto

Mental Health

Animoto is a website that allows you to upload pictures and text to create a 30 second video with music. All videos are random and different. This is a good website for someone looking to make a good looking video fast.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mental Health Glogster

Glogster is a website that allows you to create an online poster about any topic of your choice and embed links of videos.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mental Health Survey Results

I found out from my survey that most people do not know enough about mental health as they should. My results show that the majority of people have an idea of what mental health is but they don’t know the whole truth about it. I found it very astonishing that over half of people that took my survey answered mental health as a bad thing rather than good. When in fact mental health is a good thing, just like physical health it’s good to be mentally healthy and that is what most don’t understand.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Wordle: Mental health
Wordle is a program that allows you to easily make a word collage for any topic you like

Tagxedo is a web tool very similar to Wordle but tagxedo lets you change font, size and shape.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mental Health Survey

 Google Forms is a program from Google that allows anyone with a Google account to make a survey and easily see the results. I would highly recommend this program

Friday, January 24, 2014


Bubbl is a web sit that allows you to make a virtual Web Map. This tool is really useful for organizing a lot of information into a very accessible easy to use place.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Screenshot of my Symbaloo, the all in one homepage online. A great tool for anyone looking for their favorite websites in one place. Customize-able to every individual.

Monday, January 13, 2014

All About Me Prezi

Prezi is a web program that is very similar to power point. There are a few differences between the two such as prezi's transitions and the layout is a changeable template. Prezi is easier to use in my opinion and it dosen't look as bland as a power point. I will use this i the future for many projects.